Drugs Not Drugs enhancer Strength

Many of the reasons why some people use illicit substances and kill this, one of them as a modern lifestyle. Can also because of the influence of friends, as an escape from a problem.   

Even more ironically, many people assume, taking drugs before sexual intercourse can increase the ability and strength. So often we hear of a party drug which is then followed by an orgy. Or there is a presumption that says prostitution is identical to the drug complex.

Actually is a deception if there are people who say that the drugs can increase the ability and enjoyment of sex. Can also view this is the methods used by drug traffickers to lure buyers, because once people feel the drugs, they will be addicted and continue to addiction.

Instead of taking drugs will add strength, but otherwise it will cause problems and adverse effects on sexual function. Sexual dysfunction because using these illicit goods, depending on the type of drug used. Drugs which consists of various types has its own effect on the wearer's body and soul, including:


In men will be a decrease testosterone levels, decrease in sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation barriers. Whereas in women, decreased sexual drive, orgasm failure, obstruction of menstruation, fertility disorders and shrinking breasts. Sexual problems arose because the influence of heroin that inhibit the function of sex hormones.


Materials such as cigarettes smoked has a tar content is much higher than cigarettes. So for men will result in testicular shrinking and declining testosterone levels. It will also result in breast enlargement, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction and impaired sperm. As for women will affect the egg cell disruption, the barrier to pregnancy and birth in addition to propelling the decreased sexual drive.


Ecstasy can increase the release of Dopamine Neurotransmitters in the brain. Dopamine is a Neurotransmitter that is stimulating, including sexual behavior. Dopamine as a result of the increase in the influence of ecstasy can cause loss of ability to control sexual behavior, namely sexual activity that is not possible in normal circumstances.


Depressant, or better known as a sedative would interfere with the metabolism of testosterone if used excessively, resulting in decreased sexual drive and erectile dysfunction in men. While the women will disrupt menstruation and also decreased sex drive.

If there are people who claim to be better sexual function after taking drugs, it is only due to the negative influence of drugs. Because after taking drugs, ecstasy for example, will feel more refreshed and feel better sexual function. So do not be afraid to do high-risk sexual relations. In fact that happened is that the process of sexual and reproductive dysfunction.

The presumption of drugs to enhance sexual function should be straightened out, not strength, it was disappointment obtained. But whatever the reason, stay away from these forbidden items if you do not want to regret in the future. So, SAY NO TO DRUG!



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