All Beginning From Dreams

Keep dreamingBut do not be a dreamer
Keep Dreaming

That is one of the pearls of wisdom that I will always remember. How all success started from a dream. With dreams, we become more understanding, how our circumstances in the future. With the dream as a goal, we can determine from which direction now that we are going to achieve our dreams.

Keep dreaming, but do not be a dreamer. The words are simple but have a very deep meaning. When many people are lulled in dreams that they have freely want to wake up to end the dream. They live in the real world but life is not in accordance with current realities. They dreamed to live good, be rich, have a car, a luxury home but never any effort. Sit relaxed with no movement to pick up all the dreams.

Not a few people who feel no dream. Their lives are like streams of water. Following the stream where they can take them without holding or in control of these flows. From a conversation with a friend a few days ago, when I asked about the dream, he said he did not have a dream and felt her life was a dead end. He said, in a place he works, there are many problems that can never stop. To search for a new job, he did not have the courage and conviction. He hit the age that I think it is just an unwarranted fear.

It feels oppressive, when I realized what the meaning of the words "Keep dreaming, but do not be a dreamer" in fact there are still those out there who say that he did not have a dream.

A dream that is not only unthinkable in the brain and then evaporate in the air. But the dream is a goal we want to be like what in the future. Dreams, which is not just a flower that comes to sleep without us knowing it but a dream that happened from the desire and our ideals. Then try to chase the dream.

Before I realized what it was a dream, not yet imagined in my brain, what would become my future. Is just a drop in the world, born, mature, school, work, marriage and death? But I do not want to just like that. My life should have a color. Minimum color for myself. Which later can color the lives of others. One factor that made me have a dream is to observe more, hear more and feel more. I watched people around me, hear things that can make me become more open spirit and eyes of the heart. I also read books that made me become more motivated to have a dream.

From the book I've ever read entitled "The Secret", that our circumstances in the future, comes from our thoughts today. So what we want later, we can think of now. When we think about success then success is what will we get, and vice versa. Because God according to the prejudices of His servants. So try to always think positis about yourself and others. Once we think, then we forget. Not forgetting the dream but trying how to make it happen without ever focus on the goal but as hard as possible to seize it. Little by little is better than not doing at all. And success in my opinion is when I can unleash the full potential I have, so slowly I would like the things I do. Then slowly the money will come. Not to make money as a goal, but a means to an end.

One of my dream is to become a writer. Never mind that my writing is good or bad. What I do is constantly writing. That way I'll get used to writing. Learning without stopping. Like the quote I always remember from the novel by Donna Dirghantoro 5 cm that is, if you want to write just write. Do not ever think. Direct writing aja thinkers do not use. Current phase is the phase I to learn and keep learning.

I observe, most people are already comfortable with the life they lead. To think about change, they feel reluctant. Because changing the way of thinking is not an easy thing if it had been carried away with life that is considered comfortable. I am sure, most of them have tremendous potential. For Allah has bestowed man with the potential of each. Then how humans could explore and develop them.

By changing the way of thinking and dare to dream, then we will be able to walk about anywhere. Not running in place. Trying different from our dreams. Because we all can, if we tried. Trying to make ourselves proud before we make others proud of us. Because God will not change the fate of a nation, before people are trying to change first.

By Kiptiah



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