This is the leaked Wikileaks documents Various

Secret Document
Online web site or personally disgrace Wikileaks whistle-blower has issued thousands of secret documents and even countries that are very secret that could threaten the survival of a particular country.  

WikiLeaks began publishing more than 250,000 of diplomatic documents from U.S. embassies around the world. This phenomenon has invited criticism at the White House leaders, the leaders of the U.S. Congress and state leaders of the world hereinafter all related.

Julian Assange, founder WikiLeaks, said the release of secret documents by a whistle-blower site could be "diplomatic history" in the global arena. "The material we announce will cover the basics in every major issue in every country," said Assange.

WikiLeaks or Wikileaks is an international organization headquartered in Sweden. Website Wikileaks published the secret documents while maintaining the confidentiality of his sources. The site was launched in 2006. This organization was founded by Chinese political dissidents, as well as journalists, mathematicians, and technologists from the United States, Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. Newspaper and magazine articles for The New Yorker describes Julian Assange, a journalist and Internet activist Australia, as director of Wikileaks. Wikileaks Site use MediaWiki engine.

This is the leaked Related Documents Some countries
  • In France, according to that page, there are 1582 highly confidential documents leaked WikiLeaks including about President Nicolas Sarkozy, 256 confidential documents, and official documents usual 1937. For Spain, WikiLeaks 898 leaked highly classified documents, 103 secret documents, and the 2619 regular document. 
  • The document is very secret about the views, data and information about Turkey being the second most leaked, after Iraq. Regarding Turkey, the WikiLeaks leaking top-secret document 3298 including on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 577 confidential documents, and official documents usual 4043.
  • In Iraq, the very secret document leaked by 4127, while those categorized secret numbered 1158, and 1392 for ordinary documents.
  • Documents leaked average years of 2004, but some are starting since 2002, such as the Jordan and Kuwait.
  • Of the hundreds of thousands of documents that leaked it, 97,080 of them classified as top secret (confidential), 75 792 basic documents, 58,095 documents only for internal (official use only), 11 322 documents secret, highly classified 4678 document that should not be accessible to non-United States (Noforn) , and 4330 Noforn confidential documents.
  • Of that amount, 145,222 relates to external political relations, 122,954 internal matter of the government, 49,016 of the economy, 28,760 of terrorists and terrorism, 23,857 of foreign trade, and 23,054 documents about intelligence.



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