Explanation About Flying Fish

Yesterday I had time to upload videos from Youtube flying fish. For those who have not had time to view the video was just in the video Fish Fly. Of course, many are wondering how this fish can fly like a bird flying through the air? Therefore this time I will give a brief explanation of how the fish could fly.

After gugling thither (both local and external site) to find an article about this flying fish, I finally found some articles that can be used as reference. Hopefully the following brief explanation can remove the sense of kepenasaran (or maybe even add?) Buddies all about this phenomenon of flying fish.

The following is a brief explanation about the flying fish according to Wikipedia:
Exocoetidae or flying fish are marine fish family comprising about 50 species grouped in 7 to 9 genera. Flying fish are found in all major oceans, mainly in tropical and subtropical waters in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Its main characteristics yng most prominent is a large fin chest, allowing these fish glide briefly flying through the air, above the water surface, to escape from predators. Launching the extent they are usually about 50 meters, but they could use a boost on the edge of the wave can reach up to a distance of at least 400m

 Body Parts That Support to fly

Body Part
Pectoral fins (on the chest) - long pectoral fins and can be adapted to hovering and contain many weak with thorns thorns first unbranched and the rest branched. Weak spines on the dorsal fin numbered 10-12, in anal fin 1-12, at 14-15 pectoral fin with the first fin unbranched.
Caudal fin forked (deeply emarginated) with the lower fins are longer. Lateral line located at the bottom of the body.

The mechanism and mode of flying fish

Flying fish can be divided into two groups: the "two-winged" and "winged four" who each have a different flight mechanisms. The mechanism of how these fish can fly is also quite simple. Initially they will be accelerated in the water until it reaches the speed of 70 km / h assisted by flapping their tails. Once they jump on the water, flippers, fins will develop and utilize wind to gain altitude. Sometimes they slapped their tails on the water surface to keep the high jump and change direction.

* The population of flying fish were also found in the waters of the Sea of Indonesia. Precisely in the territorial waters of South Sulawesi. It's just this flying fish species threatened with extinction because so many were hunted by local people. What makes it hunted is because these fish eggs (golden yellow) has a high selling price to be used as ingredients of medicines. Lha, if the eggs were taken can not bear dong ..??? It may already be dimasukkkan in the list of Endangered Animals Endangered.

Flying Fish
Ikan terbang sirip layarParexocoetus brachypterus

Flying fish fin screen

Parexocoetus brachypterus
Scientific classification
Kerajaan: Animalia
Filum: Chordata
Kelas: Actinopterygii
Ordo: Beloniformes
Famili: Exocoetidae



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